Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's here! The New Stampin'Up Catalog is here. I am soooo excited!! I must say, it is the best catalog ever. I am not just saying that either. I really wasn't looking forward to this one. I liked the last one but was just kind of getting used to it and liking some things I wasn't all that keen about in the beginning. So just wasn't looking forward to this one. But, the very first time I looked through it I said to my husband, Ohh are you in trouble. I just love this catalog. And Everytime I go through it I find more things I just have to have. I have catalogs available. If you need a catalog, please contact me. I will sell you a catalog for $5.00 and you will receive a $5.00 off coupon that you may redeem with your first $30.00 order. So,essentially your catalog is free. My regular customers receive their catalog's free.
One of my favorite sets for this catalog is our new "Buzzin' By" Here is a sample from that set

I am going to make every effort to update my blog a few times a week and share samples for all of you. Please leave your thoughts on the samples I share. Share if there are other things you'd like to see that I'm not showing. All comments are more than welcome!!!
By the way, I keep promising to post my upcoming classes. This has been a process that has been slow in happening. My husband and I are in the process of moving my stamping area again, as I just don't have enough room. I am hoping to have that done by February. Please don't give up on me - Classes are coming!
Happy Stampin' and Enjoy the new catalog. It will be available today at 2pm EST.


Anonymous said...

Jan - I love these cards...soo cute. What do I need to do to get a catalog. And when you do do you do this for those who don't live close to you.Please tell me you do something online..please.

kim said...


There you go again making some beautiful cards! Love them.
Did you receive the cd folders?
Hello to Rick and Andrea

Anonymous said...

sorry Jan..I meant to get back to much going on at home.
I would love a email is
I also nominated you for an can see the details on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Love them Jan! Keep on, keepin' on! Are these for your soldier lady *wink*? Hugs to you! Martie